The Acting Company: Romeo and Juliet
A fresh look at Shakespeare’s cataclysmic romance, The Acting Company’s Romeo and Juliet is a lesson in hope and healing, as the grudge between the Montagues and Capulets, like so much human strife, is no match for the fire and boundless passion of youth.

Swanky society parties, moonlit nights, desolate churchyards and blood-strewn streets. Set in the contemporary chaos of a Southern city steeped in class and racial conflict, two star-crossed souls collide and fall fast in love, only to take their own lives in a tragic twist of fate. A fresh look at Shakespeare’s cataclysmic romance, The Acting Company’s (Julius Caesar, 2017) Romeo and Juliet is a lesson in hope and healing, as the grudge between the Montagues and Capulets, like so much human strife, is no match for the fire and boundless passion of youth.
William Shakespeare’s iconic and timeless Romeo and Juliet is one of the greatest love stories in literature. The gripping drama spun out of the ancient grudge between two families makes Romeo and Juliet as relevant to modern society as it was to audiences four centuries ago. The star-crossed lovers follow their passion to the ultimate tragic end. In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare offers some of the most glorious poetry ever written, spoken by complex and memorable characters, establishing the standard for all love stories written since. With gorgeous costumes and music, enchanting parties, moonlit nights, dank graveyards, and blood-strewn streets, The Acting Company’s fresh production breathes new life into this enduring tale.